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Wills & Trusts....what is the difference?


  • Have to go through Probate

  • Can cost 3% or more of your total estate

    • $100,000 house=$3,000 in attorney fees (minimum)

  • Anyone can contest your will

  • The probate process can take years to complete

  • Probate court has the final say on how your assets are distributed, regardless of your wishes

  • Your heirs may have to pay inheritance taxes on what you leave them


  • Eliminates Probate

  • Assets immediately pass to beneficiaries

  • Eliminates/Reduces:IncomeTaxes, Capital Gains, Taxes, and Gift Taxes

  • Not just for the rich. Most people need one!

  • You are the captain of your ship!

  • Less stress and work for family after you’re gone

  • You have Trust options to take care of that special needs loved one, veteran or family member who relies on Medicare without them losing their benefits.


You have 3 choices

1. Do Nothing...PROBATE

2. Create a Will...PROBATE

3. Place all your assets in a LIVING TRUST.... PEACE OF MIND

Set up a FREE no-obligation 30 minute call here⬇

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